Organisational Intelligence
For Artificial Intelligence to be successfully integrated into an organisation, it must build upon and amplify the existing unartificial intelligence within that organisation.
The highest level of intelligence within an organisation can be termed "Organisational Intelligence." This refers to the organisation's collective ability to understand its environment and create knowledge relevant to its purpose. Active Inference suggests that a system maintains its desired states by modelling its environment, inferring relevant information, and acting on the world to align it with its model.
However, for an organisation of any size, this model often becomes fragmented. Human decision-makers, structures, processes, and organisational culture bind the organisation together loosely. What helps hold things together is an underlying Collective Intelligence, which is more emergent and dynamic, depending on strong collaboration and knowledge sharing between people. This intelligence manifests in applications, documentation, and, perhaps most importantly, in people talking to each other!
Finally, Artificial Intelligence works through data and computation. To use AI to improve Organisational Intelligence, it must make the organisation's internal model of the world more cohesive. It must achieve this by enhancing collaboration and knowledge sharing between people through data and computational insights. It must empower Collective Intelligence to achieve Organisational Intelligence.
What does this mean in pragmatic terms? First, we should use computation to organise data. Foundational models have extracted intelligence from data, and now organisations must reverse the process, using intelligence to organise their data into a cohesive whole. We do this through two mechanisms:
🔵 Ontology Alignment: Agree on shared concepts, terms, and vocabularies.
🔵 Entity Linking: Connect data into a rich and holistic network of relationships.
Both of these require deep levels of collaboration and knowledge sharing. Connections in the data follow connections between teams and people. Generative models can help with this process by extracting and aligning ontological concepts and performing named entity resolution. However, without humans in the loop, Collective Intelligence is not engaged, and success is unlikely.
⭕Nested Intelligence:
⭕ Network to System: